Shop 3b/151 Martyn St Parramatta Park QLD 4870, Australia 37 Dalziel St Stratford QLD 4870, Australia
0413 966 851
Open Hours : Tuesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Wednesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Thursday 9.30am - 7pm Friday 9.30am - 2pm
Open Hours : Tuesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Wednesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Thursday 9.30am - 7pm Friday 9.30am - 2pm


Pellowah Previous item Emmett Technique Next item Reiki

What is Pellowah?

Pellowah is a gentle, intuitive form of energy healing and the word Pellowah is an angelic word meaning “Radical Shift in Consciousness”.

Although an angelic word, Pellowah energy does not originate from the angelic realms. It is pure source energy, a direct transmission from the Light.

The Pellowah Healing Technique© was first channelled in 2003 by Australian Spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an.

It’s primary reason for being channelled at this time is for awakening the consciousness of humanity. The purpose of Pellowah is awakening and enlightenment, to increase your capacity for positive change, to enable you to reach your highest purpose and potential.

Often you feel something is just not right, or there must be more to life or you can’t put our finger on what the issue is, yet you know something needs to shift.

Pellowah is a high vibrational energy and takes place in the auric field, the healing experience is a hands-off process with hands moving above and around the body.

It is believed to be particularly effective in promoting personal growth, emotional healing and spiritual development. It helps by connecting the 12 strands of DNA ready for activation, thus enabling the receiver to tap into their true being.

Pellowah enables us to achieve an expanded level of consciousness and awareness. 45min – $85

Pellowah can be used in absentee /distance healing and can also be used to heal pets and plants. Pellowah is simple, yet powerful and effective!

How does it work?

Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA – ready for activation. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of connection and well-being.

As the name suggests, it also allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. Importantly, through this we are able to make choices which take us to greater heights and levels in our life.

Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the Practitioner.

Pellowah is direct from source to the person receiving the healing. A practitioner receives the attunements that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving.

There is no diagnosis or interpretation by the practitioner.
It uses a ‘higher’ energy vibration, than say Reiki which is more earthy. ‘Higher’ does not automatically mean ‘better’, but for many chronic or long-term issues, Pellowah will often get results where other methods don’t.

The Benefits of Pellowah:

The healing effects of Pellowah, are a wonderful by product of a “Shift in Consciousness”.

• Calms the emotions, many find they feel optimistic, inspired, find purpose in their life where there once was no direction, have a greater sense of empowerment, inner strength and confidence
• Helps with overcoming the roadblocks of fear, self- doubt, anxiety and depression
• Works particularly well on deep emotional issues, which may be the underlying cause of physical ailments
• It also works well on those with very busy mind, gives clarity and often a client will receive an answer to their question or find a path forward while on the table
• Experience a new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life
• Pellowah works on the mind and spirit (rather than the physical body), so conditions that have a (mind/body connection) such as depression, will often respond very well
• Pellowah addresses the root cause of the condition rather than the symptom

Pellowah brings about an expansion in consciousness leaving you with a feeling of connection and well-being that seems to last and in fact gets stronger as time goes by. As the person receiving you may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time.

What is a Pellowah session like?

Pellowah is a hands-off energy treatment, so the client lays down on a massage table fully clothed in a position that is most comfortable, eyes closed, ready to relax and receive the energy. The practitioner will be guided by the Pellowah energy, where their hands will move in, around and through the energy field of the person receiving. A session will last between 45-60 minutes.

It is imperative for best results for the session it is important to note that you:
• Drink plenty of water before and after the treatment to facilitate the healing
• Wear comfortable clothes
• Be sure that you are not wearing any programmed crystals or essences, essential oils or even perfumes.
• The client may use ear plugs or eye shades (please ensure the eye packs are not scented).

During the Pellowah healing session, the practitioner ensures that the healing session will not be effected by outside distractions. Therefore, no music, burning of oils or incense is used and no talking during the session from the practitioner.
This ensures without this outside stimulus the client is free to go on their own unique journey and is assured of a genuine experience.
Each Pellowah session is different even when you have with the same practitioner. Pellowah works with the individual to build new pathways to awareness and consciousness. Everything that happens in a session is for the client.

People report that they often feel very relaxed during a session, and even go to sleep. Others may experience involuntary body movements, sensations like tingling, twitching, shivers and a rumbling stomach. Also it is common for the client to hear, feel, smell and see things especially lights, or sometimes you may not feel much at all, that’s ok too, the energy will still be working.

After the session has concluded you may wish to discuss your experience during the session however the practitioner will not be able to provide feedback or comment as the practitioner does not interpret, intuit, diagnose or counsel. This is so the person receiving the treatment may receive any new insights, awarenesses themselves without well-meaning outside intervention. This ensures the healing session remains genuine and pure and uniquely your own experience.