Shop 3b/151 Martyn St Parramatta Park QLD 4870, Australia 37 Dalziel St Stratford QLD 4870, Australia
0413 966 851
Open Hours : Tuesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Wednesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Thursday 9.30am - 7pm Friday 9.30am - 2pm
Open Hours : Tuesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Wednesday 9.30am - 5.30pm Thursday 9.30am - 7pm Friday 9.30am - 2pm

CJ – Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Compression Therapy

CJ – Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Compression Therapy Previous item Access Energetic Facelift...

Healthy Lymphatic Flow is Essential

Did you know…We have approximately 15 litres of lymphatic fluid in our body. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that work together to help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout our body.

Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, poor hydration, chemical exposure and pollutants are just a few things that can contribute to a sluggish lymphatic system, that can affect our entire body.

Signs of a sluggish and congested lymphatic system:

  • Fatigue, tiredness, irritability
  • Brain fog
  • Lack of energy
  • Swollen glands
  • Puffiness in eyes, face and body
  • Swelling in the fingers (tight rings) or ankles
  • Bloating or holding on to water
  • Feeling of heaviness and weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Sinus infections
  • Skin issues, such as dry or itchy skin
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Poor immune system
  • Digestive problems and more…

These could all be signs of a sluggish overloaded lymphatic system, and this could be your lymphatic system giving you signs that it needs help. The lymphatic system is essential to our overall health and well-being. However, it is often forgotten or uncared for. This neglect cripples the body’s defense systems against autoimmune disease, cancer, migraines, fatigue and more.

Your Lymphatic System is essential for:

Fat Transportation
Energy Levels
Immune Health
Maintaining Fluid Balance

Whether you’re trying to keep fit, look great, overcome illness or lower your risk of disease…healthy lymphatic flow is essential, if it slows down…so do you!

The Chelsey Jean Lymphatic Drainage Massage Treatment is a opportunity for you the client to experience the Chelsey Jean Dual Action Massage Gloves and naturopathic formulated creams. While the gloves stimulate and physically move lymph from the outside, the creams go to work on the inside. This powerful combination of healing herbs and essential oils are designed to help strengthen and drain your lymphatic system, enhance vein and capillary function, while providing nutrition to your cells and facilitate the removal of stuck, toxic fluid and fat from your body.

Having a Chelsey Jean Lymphatic massage may enhance weight loss, detoxification, relieve pain, support immunity, aid recovery, massage and nurture your body back to beautiful health. This treatment is designed to empower you to look after your lymphatic health so you can dramatically reduce disease and ill health, reduce pain and inflammation so you can reap the rewards of great health.

Compression Therapy: Designed to Improve Lymphatic Flow

Compression Therapy is used to treat and reduce swelling in an area of the body, for a wide range of conditions. The CJ&CO Full Body Circulate Compression system has fittings or garment sleeves that fit the legs, arms, waist, hips and thighs. Each fitting has 6 compression chambers to ensure comprehensive and targeted air compression for your body. You feel the air chambers inflate and deflate in a sequenced pattern, which feels like a gentle wave like motion. it is very relaxing and soothing. This system also offers 6 tailored therapeutic pressure modes to meet your individual needs.

What its used for: Heavy swollen legs, Muscle recovery, Lymphatic diseases, Relaxation, Pre & post surgery, Weight loss, Circulation, Detoxification, Increased energy, Stress reduction, Improve digestion.

  • Please see below for Contra-indications for use of Compression Therapy and how to prepare for a treatment session.

Choose from the following treatments:

CJ Initial Lymphatic Body Massage & Compression Therapy *(NEW LYMPHATIC CLIENTS MUST START HERE)*  90 min – $139

Lymphatic drainage massage is a special form of massage that specifically targets the flow of lymph in the body. Different from the soft-touch method, we use our dual action magnetic massage gloves, naturopathic formulated creams, a specific amount of pressure, and rhythmic long stroking movements to stimulate the lymph, encouraging its movement from the heart for the drainage of fluid and waste. When lymph stops flowing freely throughout the body, the lymphatic tissue can become inflamed, swollen, sore to touch, your immune system slows down and you can feel tired, toxic and unwell. This specialised massage encourages healthy body function & is essential to prepare your body for any weight loss/detoxification program. This treatment includes initial consultation, 30 min lymphatic massage and 30 min compression therapy.

CJ Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Compression Therapy  60 min – $110

Lymphatic Drainage Massage  & Compression Therapy treatment for returning clients to rejuvenate and stimulate the flow of your lymphatic system. This treatment includes a 30 min lymphatic drainage massage using the dual action magnetic massage gloves, combined with the naturopathic formulated creams, plus 30 min compression therapy, targeting the identified congested areas of your body.

CJ Full Body Lymphatic Drainage Massage   60 min – $96

Full Body Lymphatic Massage – Returning clients indulge with extra time spent where your body requires it the most. Using the dual action magnetic massage gloves and lymphatic creams this lymphatic drainage sequence includes the face, chest, arms, abdomen, legs and back to detoxify and drain congestion throughout the entire body. While the gloves stimulate and physically move lymph from the outside, the specialised formulated lymphatic creams go to work on the inside, a powerful combination to massage and nurture your body back to beautiful health.

CJ Express Lymphatic Drainage Massage  30 min – $69

Express Lymphatic Drainage Massage – for returning clients using the the dual action magnetic massage gloves and lymphatic creams this lymphatic drainage sequence includes the chest, arms, abdomen and legs for a quick pick me up for those busy people.

Compression Therapy Sessions:  People ask, am I able to have just a Compression Therapy session? Yes, you are able to have just compression therapy without the hands-on massage treatments that go with it.

Introductory Prices: Casual Rates 

30 mins / $25 – 60 mins / $50

Packages 1 session = 30 min booking

10 sessions / $250 – 20 sessions / $400

(To be used within 6 months of purchasing)


You can take charge of your health today by discovering a really simple self-massage practice that supports your lymphatic system to thrive and flow, and it only takes 2 minutes a day!

Ask Michelle about this self-massage technique today..

Also for sale in the clinic: Chelsey Jean Dual-Action Magnetic Massage Lymphatic Gloves – $42.50

Contraindications for Gloves: Do not use the gloves if you cannot have magnets on your body eg. Pacemaker. If you have an ICD or pacemaker, metal allergies, avoid close or prolonged contact with magnets or their magnetic fields. Keep magnets at least six inches from where your device is implanted.

Contraindications for Compression Therapy: Heart problems, Arrhythmia, Kidney conditions, Inflammatory skin diseases or eruptions, Open wounds, Deep vein thrombosis, Acute venous thrombosis, Pulmonary Oedema, Unstable hypertension, Pacemaker, ICD, Unexplained calf or leg pain, Pregnancy.

What to wear for the Compression Therapy session:

You are fully clothed during a compression therapy session. It is best to wear light breathable clothing (cotton), including long pants, leggings, shirt, long sleeve shirt and socks. (Bring these items of clothing with you or wear into session). Do not wear tight compression, gym gear or items of clothing with zippers, buttons, accessories and it advised to remove all jewellery.

How to prepare for a Compression Therapy session:

Do not come in with a full stomach and fast for 1-2 hours after the treatment. Drink plenty of water before and after to accelerate the removal of toxins and excess fluid.

What does the session feel like?

The air chambers gently and rhythmically inflate and deflate in a wave-like motion moving from the lower extremities upwards. It feels like a very gentle massage. It is very relaxing and soothing.

How many session will I require? 

You may have just one session for a quick energy boost. Weekly or a couple of times a week depending on the condition you are treating. Great for muscle recovery after an intense workout or training session. Long term conditions (weight management), a course of 12 treatments over three or four weeks is recommended for optimal results followed by a less frequent maintenance program.